Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation
  • Star Map Navigation

Star Map Navigation

Made In: Unity
Project Type: Solo

In one of my assignments during my first year, I undertook the task of creating a program that could generate multiple stars procedurally. The stars had to be randomly placed and possess unique information, such as size, colour, and luminosity. Additionally, each star had a random number of connections to other stars, creating a network of interconnecting points. My objective was to find the shortest path out of this network, given a starting point and an endpoint.

To achieve this, I used the Dijkstra algorithm, a popular algorithm in graph theory, which helped me calculate the shortest route between the two points selected by the user. Through this program, the user could interactively select the starting and endpoints and visualize the shortest route between them.