Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma
  • Project Enigma

Project Enigma

Made In: Unity
Project Type: Group

During my first year of university, I participated in a group project called Project Enigma. Our objective was to develop a local co-op game where two detectives work together to solve puzzles and escape from a house. This project provided me with several valuable skills, such as collaborating with other programmers, working with artists and designers, and writing efficient, readable, and replicable code. Overall, Project Enigma was a great learning experience that helped me to improve my skill set.

Some of the things I undertook during the project included:
- Project management
- Lead programmer
- Character Movement
- Puzzle development and integration
- Core gameplay mechanics (picking up items, interacting with objects, etc.)
- UI navigation
- Integrating local multiplayer
- Adding sounds/music
- Implementing other mechanics from other programmers